HAI Offerings


Through its dual-track Comp process, HAI provides its members with a thorough, semester-long training program on alternative investments, with an emphasis on private equity. Please visit the Comp page for more information.

Private Equity Projects

HAI partners with leading private equity firms to work on asynchronous, unpaid projects for a semester. Previous projects have assisted firms with sourcing, industry research, and due diligence. Once a firm determines the project scope based on its needs, a team of HAI members will work together on their own time, periodically check in with the firm, and deliver a virtual presentation of their findings at the end of the semester. HAI members who have completed the Private Equity Track are eligible to work on these client projects.

Professional Development

All members can benefit from HAI’s professional development offerings, including resume workshops, networking sessions, speaker events, and company information sessions. HAI regularly partners with investment professionals and headhunters representing top private equity firms to provide members with opportunities to learn about day-to-day work experiences and recruiting processes, respectively. We also invite professors from Harvard Business School to join us and engage members in relevant case studies. Lastly, HAI manages a private mailing list that shares relevant internship and full-time job opportunities with its members.


Every semester, HAI provides social programming to foster a greater sense of community among its members. Events include mixers, group dinners, outings, and joint socials with other student organizations. Members of HAI will also have access to and receive mentorship opportunities through our alumni network. Please visit the Alumni Achievement page for more information.